Schedule View
- Quick viewing of that day's meetings
- Determine critical information such as type of meeting, meeting location, etc.
- Modification of future requests
- Students and teachers can add notes to meeting requests to help facilitate planning

Browse Meetings
- Overview of all meetings schoolwide
- Meetings grouped by department
- Filtering available based on student's current schedule, favorites, etc.
- Determine critical information such as current meeting enrollment, type of meeting, etc.
- Quick student sign-up for available meetings

Easy Attendance
- Quick meeting attendance for teachers
- Student pictures shown to help identify unfamiliar students
- Attendance tracked (present, tardy, and absent) and synced with SIS nightly
- Drop-in students logged to identify unscheduled students who show up

- Occumize will be tailored to your school's specific needs, so that your flex period works the way you want it to, not the way your flex period program wants it to
- Software should work for you, so Occumize has been built with the user in mind and aims to be as simple to use as possible, yet still powerful

- Tight integration with SIS to completely automate features such as attendance syncing, roster syncing, user enrollment, etc.
- Robust and straightforward data analysis for both teachers and administrators that can be customized as needed
- Students are intelligently enrolled automatically every night if they did not sign up for a meeting, based on specific criteria
- Teachers and administrators can manage and schedule groups of students, both custom and generated from SIS course enrollments
- All aspects are customized to fit your school's specific needs
If you would like to learn more information about Occumize and see if it is right for you, please reach out to us and set up a conversation.